Our Designers Jennifer Lato, Sunghi sonia Morsella, and Nixon Tran were entered to compete at the Bouquets to Art 2010 floral fashion show, De Young Museum. Wouldn’t these dresses be great for a one-of-a kind bridesmaid or flower girl dress?

Dress by Jennifer & Sonia: cherry blossom, angel vine, tweedia, phalaenopsis orchid, eucalyptus.

Dress by Nixon: carnation petals, lily petals. salal, leucodendrum
Q: How long did it take from start to finish?
Jennifer: Sonia and I wanted our dress to have the feel of a spring garden. We have been brainstorming for weeks, but the dress had to be made at the last minute a day and half before the show to keep the flowers fresh. We were very lucky to have these gorgeous cherry blossoms from Michael’s garden.
Q: What was the most challenging part of the process?
Nixon: I purchased fabric to make the dress form from scratch, and the flowers were glued to the fabric. It is always challenging to figure out the best mechanics to support the creation. Right before the show, I ended up gluing lily petals directly to my model’s shoulder.
Q: What was the best part of this experience?
Sonia: We got such positive reactions from the audiance at the gala. It was worth going through some pain, including accidently spraying glue all over my hair, and a last minute trip to the
market at 5:30am.