
Wednesday, December 28

What do you do with all those extra cords from electronics and outdated electronic devices?

We had the opportunity to really step out of the box for a clients event this past October with a tech theme. When we got the call for this event we immediately went through a few boxes labeled "Random Parts" ,that were stashed in the back of our supply closet, to see what we had in the way of electronics that could give us some inspiration. We found old floppy disks, CD's, Ethernet cables, phone lines, old cell phones, key boards and for some reason circuit boards and old computer replacement parts. The design process started off great thanks to our plethora of random electronic parts and forgotten dated technology, good thing we pretty much keep everything over here at MDD.

In light of the Holidays we call these our "Where past Christmas presents end up" centerpieces. We have you intrigued, right? Click here to see the full album on our Facebook page.

 Let us know what you think!

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